Kansainvälisen Liito viimekokouksen pöytäkirja

Tiistai 6.8.2024

Suomen edustaja Steffi Westerlund oli paikalla.

Nordic Folkboat International Association (NFIA) 


AGM Minutes


To: All NFIA members

From: NFIA Board – Per Buch, Lennart Magnusson, Steffi Westerlund, Simon Osgood

Attendees: NFIA Board, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Estonia National Associations


  1. Chairman introduction and report – PB

  2. Opening reports distributed and agreed for Secretary, Treasurer and Technical 

  3. Technical Chairman gave an overview and vision for supporting the class rules at a local level to gain a proactive method of approach to measuring- LM

  4. All attendees agreed to contuning support technically to ensure we continue to be a strong one-design class.

  5. UK fleet raised the point of spinnaker sizes recognised and published by NFIA. It was agreed that LM would form a working group for those countires who use spinnakers locally and feedback to NFIA (EST, UK, FIN and NED) – LM

  6. Class rules updates were sign off unanimsouly 

  7. Board terms presented and unanimously signed off including extension full terms for secretary, treasurer (SO) and technical  (LM)

  8. AOB included the Netherlands hosting the 2025 Sessan Cup, more updates to follow on the hosting and dates

  9. AOB a new Turkey company is building a wooden folkboat. Their Instagram story can be found at folkboat_anatolia

  10. Next 3 years Gold Cup venues as follows: 2025 Hellerup Sejlklub in Copenhagen 2-6 July. 2026 Travemunde Germany, 2027 Hanko Finland

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